Sweden abides by the EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) (2014), except for where the regulation applies to snus. E-cigarettes are regulated in Sweden by the Act on Electronic Cigarettes and Refill Containers (2017/425), which came into force on 1st July 2017. E-cigarettes that contain tobacco are regulated by the Tobacco Act, while those classified as medical devices, drugs or hazardous substances are regulated by the Medicines Act (2015: 315), Medical Device Act (1993: 584), or Act (1999: 42) on the prohibition of certain hazardous goods. E-cigarettes must also comply with the Product Safety Act (2004: 451). High strength e-liquids with nicotine concentrations over 17 mg/ml are subject to a de facto ban in Sweden as they require permits which are unlikely to be granted. Cross border sales are legal. The prohibition of sponsorship of any kind, including of radio and television programs and TV product placement, is detailed in the Radio and Television Act (20101: 696). In January 2018, a tax on e-cigarette fluid of two krona (€0.2) per millilitre was announced. A new ban on vaping in public spaces came into effect in July 2019. The ban covers outdoor serving areas at cafes and restaurants, as well as public playgrounds, bus shelters and train platforms, sports arenas, and entrances to civic buildings.
1. Public Health Agency. National Public Health Survey (tobacco/e-cigarette) 2018.
2. Calculation based on population size data of people over 15 years of age (16+). Source of population data: World Population Prospects 2019 [Internet]. United Nations; 2019. (Department of Economic and Social Affairs, editor. Population Division). Report No.: Rev. 1. Available from: https://population.un.org/wpp/Download/Standard/Population/
1. European Commission. (2021). Special Eurobarometer 506: Attitudes of Europeans towards tobacco and electronic cigarettes (S2240_506_ENG). European Commission. http://data.europa.eu/88u/dataset/S2240_506_ENG
2. Calculation based on population size data of people over 15 years of age (16+). Source of population data: World Population Prospects 2019 [Internet]. United Nations; 2019. (Department of Economic and Social Affairs, editor. Population Division). Report No.: Rev. 1. Available from: https://population.un.org/wpp/Download/Standard/Population/
1. European Commission. (2024). Special Eurobarometer 539: Attitudes of Europeans towards tobacco and related products [Dataset]. European Commission. https://europa.eu/eurobarometer/surveys/detail/2995
2. Calculation based on population size data of people over 15 years of age (16+). Source of population data: World Population Prospects 2019 [Internet]. United Nations; 2019. (Department of Economic and Social Affairs, editor. Population Division). Report No.: Rev. 1. Available from: https://population.un.org/wpp/Download/Standard/Population/
n=40,000. 2% figure incldes daily users and occasional users. Age 16 - 84
World Population Prospects 2019 [Internet]. United Nations; 2019. (Department of Economic and Social Affairs, editor. Population Division). Report No.: Rev. 1. Available from: https://population.un.org/wpp/Download/Standard/Population/
Public Health Agency. National Public Health Survey (tobacco/e-cigarette) 2018.
European Commission. (2021). Special Eurobarometer 506: Attitudes of Europeans towards tobacco and electronic cigarettes (S2240_506_ENG). European Commission. http://data.europa.eu/88u/dataset/S2240_506_ENG
1. European Commission. (2024). Special Eurobarometer 539: Attitudes of Europeans towards tobacco and related products [Dataset]. European Commission. https://europa.eu/eurobarometer/surveys/detail/2995
2. Calculation based on population size data of people over 15 years of age (16+). Source of population data: World Population Prospects 2019 [Internet]. United Nations; 2019. (Department of Economic and Social Affairs, editor. Population Division). Report No.: Rev. 1. Available from: https://population.un.org/wpp/Download/Standard/Population/
Question asked in this survey did not compare harmfulness with cigarettes. The question used was 'Do you think they are harmful to the health of people who use them?' 65% - YES, 14% - NO, 21% DON'T KNOW
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