33% of the adult population are current smokers
There are approximately 498,037 current smokers in Latvia
40.2% of men are current smokers but only 15.8% of women
Smoking in Latvia
The overall trend for prevalence of current smokers in the general population in Latvia has been downwards since 2006, however this decrease only started from 2012 onwards. 32% of the population in Latvia were current smokers in 2017, down from 36% in 2006. The prevalence was similar between 2006 and 2012 (at 36%), after which it started to reduce. These data come from the Eurobarometer surveys, the most recent of which was carried out in 2017. In the most recent survey a total of 27,901 respondents from different social and demographic groups were interviewed face-to-face at home, in their mother tongue, across all 28 of the EU countries. The sample for each country is representative, however the sample sizes are relatively small (e.g. most countries had just over 1000 participants, but for Italy, Malta and Lithuania the sample was around 500). Nevertheless, the Eurobarometer surveys are useful as they have estimates for smoking prevalence collected over a number of years which can show trends, as described here.
In Latvia, 2735 people die each year due to tobacco smoking.
Market size of NRT.
NRT market size is estimated to be 0.4 million €.
Nicotine Vaping Devices
in Latvia
Latvia abides by the EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) (2014). Vaping is prohibited wherever smoking is prohibited. The restriction on vaping includes a ban on vaping within 10 metres of government buildings, public transport stops, apartment stairwells/corridors, balconies, and around children. Furthermore, if you are asked to stop vaping near someone, you must do so by law. Latvia applies a complicated tax formula to e-liquids that takes into account the amount of nicotine in the bottle: €0.005 per milligram of nicotine in addition to €0.01 per millilitre of liquid. A 10 millilitre e-juice bottle of 20 mg/ml nicotine (the maximum volume and strength allowed by the EU TPD) would thus be taxed at €1.10 (€0.11 per millilitre). There is also a 21% Value Added Tax (VAT) on the final retail price.
Heated Tobacco Products
in Latvia
Adult using HTP prevalence is 3%.
Nicotine Replacement Therapy
in Latvia
NRT market size is estimated to be 0.4 million €.
in Latvia
The prevalence of daily using snus among adults is 1%.
in Latvia
The prevalence of daily using pouches among adults is 1%.