Legal Status of Nicotine Vaping Products
Legal Status of Nicotine Vaping Products
Knowledge•Action•Change (2020)- Burning Issues: The Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction 2020
Beyond the big picture there is a whole panoply of regulatory options covering product registration, safety and limitations (such as nicotine content, and flavour bans), taxation levels, online sales, age-purchase limitations and public space vaping. For country specific detail, see the GSTHR website.
» 64 countries have age restrictions on the sale of nicotine vaping products.
» 71 countries regulate the advertising of e-cigarettes (34 of these countries allow at advertising at point of sale, 59 do not allow advertising in mass media and 26 have a complete ban on all advertising).
» 30 countries tax vaping liquid.
See also p.121 of the report: Burning Issues: The Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction 2020