No Fire, No Smoke: The Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction 2018
No Fire, No Smoke: The Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction 2018
Knowledge•Action•Change (2018)Harry Shapiro - Knowledge•Action•Change

No Fire, No Smoke: The Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction 2018 was the first in the series of biennial GSTHR reports. Inspired by the drug harm reduction reports of Harm Reduction International, published on a biennial basis since 2006, this landmark publication was the first to document the history and development of tobacco harm reduction, as well as the use, availability and regulatory responses to safer nicotine products around the world. This GSTHR report mapped for the first time the global, regional and national availability and use of safer nicotine products, the regulatory responses to these products, and the public health potential of tobacco harm reduction. This report explores in detail the potential of safer nicotine products to unlock a public health revolution, if and when these products are embraced globally.
The GSTHR report series is founded on the principle of harm reduction. Harm reduction refers to policies, regulations and actions focussed on reducing health risks, usually by providing safer forms of hazardous products or encouraging less risky behaviours, rather than simply banning products or behaviours. Harm reduction is a proven public health strategy.
Table of contents:
Chapter 1: Introduction: tobacco harm reduction
Chapter 2: The continuing global epidemic of cigarette smoking
Chapter 3: Safer nicotine products: a global picture
Chapter 4: Consumers of safer nicotine products
Chapter 5: Safer nicotine products and consumer health
Chapter 6: Regulation and control
Chapter 7: Human rights, public health and tobacco harm reduction advocacy
The "vaping timeline" infographic can be downloaded here.