Ratio of Current Vapers to Current Smokers
Knowledge•Action•Change (2018)- No Fire, No Smoke: The Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction
This figure provides a simple metric giving the ratio of current e-cigarette users to current smokers amongst the 28 EU member states in 2017. This shows that the UK has the most e-cigarette users per smoker at 0.29. In other words, there are 29 e-cigarette users for every hundred smokers in the UK. In many other EU countries, the ratio is above 0.10.
These data were gathered by the European Union for the Eurobarometer 458 survey, which aimed to conduct an extensive survey of e-cigarette use across the EU as part of a wider review of smoking habits. Across the 28 EU member states this survey found that:
» Around 15 percent of those aged 15 or over had tried an e-cigarette at least once – compared to 12 percent in 2014;
» Two percent of the total EU population are current users of e-cigarettes and this has remained stable since 2014;
» Almost one in twenty current smokers now currently use e-cigarettes or similar devices (four percent), and four percent of ex-smokers;
» Current use of e-cigarettes among people who have never smoked is rare. At most, one percent of e-cigarette users in any EU country are people who have never smoked.
See also p. 42 of the report: No Fire, No Smoke: The Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction 2018 — Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction (gsthr.org)