Estimated Numbers of People Using Vapour Products (E-cigarettes and Heat-not-Burn) Globally (Millions)

Knowledge•Action•Change (2018)

- No Fire, No Smoke: The Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction

According to the market analyst company Euromonitor, in 2011 there were an estimated seven million people who “were regular dual or sole users of e-cigarettes and vapour products” around the world – for this estimate Euromonitor combines data on e-cigarettes and HNB. That figure rose to around 35 million in 2016 and is estimated to rise to around 55 million by 2021. Euromonitor base their growth estimate of 55 million partly on the assumption that the market in HNB products will continue at the current rate, although there are signs that the rapid growth in the Japanese market is beginning to slow. Much caution is required in forecasting what will happen in the SNP market because of the uncertainties over both regulation and consumer uptake.

See also p. 39 of the report: No Fire, No Smoke: The Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction 2018 — Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction (