Data sourced:
Page updated:
The Norwegian Parliament voted in December 2016 in favour of lifting the ban on nicotine containing e-cigarettes. The new regulation has to be incorporated into the trade agreement for the European Economic Area EEA and the EU. Under the 2017 Smoking Act, vaping is banned in all places covered by Norway’s smoking ban, and all e-cigarette advertising is prohibited under the Tobacco Injury Act.
Product promotion
- Banned at place of sale and banned in all media.
- Allowed or banned at place of sale or allowed or banned in all media.
Year | Value | Reference/Comment |
1001 | Allowed | 1A |
2024 | Banned | 1B |
- Data cross-referenced where possible using the following sources :1. Vapetrotter website. Available at: https://www.vapetrotter.com/laws/ ; 2. Global tobacco control website. Available at:https://www.globaltobaccocontrol.org/node/14052 ; 3. Tobacco Control Laws website. Available at : https://www.tobaccocontrollaws.org/legislation/
- Anti-smoking Global Index. (2024). [Data set]. https://antismoking.global/
- Anti-smoking Global Index. (2024). [Data set]. https://antismoking.global/
- Data cross-referenced where possible using the following sources :1. Vapetrotter website. Available at: https://www.vapetrotter.com/laws/ ; 2. Global tobacco control website. Available at:https://www.globaltobaccocontrol.org/node/14052 ; 3. Tobacco Control Laws website. Available at : https://www.tobaccocontrollaws.org/legislation/
Regulations and restrictions
The GSTHR database is updated regularly by our team.
However, please be aware that the information we provide does not constitute legal advice.
We cannot guarantee that the information is up to date or accurate, as the regulatory status of different product
categories can change at short notice and with little publicity.
If you wish to check the legal status of use or possession of any safer nicotine product in a specific country or region,
you should verify the information independently.
If you have reason to think that the information supplied on the GSTHR is inaccurate, please contact us with details
and any references and we will rectify any errors.