Tobacco Harm Reduction and the Right to Health

Knowledge•Action•Change (2020)

Ruth Goldsmith (UK) - Knowledge•Action•Change

Tobacco harm reduction and the right to health offers an introduction and overview of key issues in tobacco harm reduction, its public health potential and its relationship with human rights. The report is available in English and 12 other languages: Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Swahili.

Tobacco Harm Reduction and the Right to Health

Tobacco harm reduction and the right to health

PDF Document
English 1801 PDF Document
Tobacco Harm Reduction and the Right to Health

Tobacco Harm Reduction and the Right to Health

Website page
English 1003 Website page
Tobacco Harm Reduction and the Right to Health

التقلیل من أضرار التبغ والحق في الصحة

PDF Document
Arabic 2704 PDF Document
Tobacco Harm Reduction and the Right to Health


PDF Document
Chinese (Mandarin) 1625 PDF Document
Tobacco Harm Reduction and the Right to Health

La réduction du risque tabagique et le droit à la santé

PDF Document
French 1612 PDF Document
Tobacco Harm Reduction and the Right to Health

Die Reduzierung von durch Tabak verursachten Schäden und das Recht auf Gesundheit

PDF Document
German 1584 PDF Document
Tobacco Harm Reduction and the Right to Health

Tobacco Harm Reduction and the Right to Health

PDF Document
Hindi 1242 PDF Document
Tobacco Harm Reduction and the Right to Health

Pengurangan bahaya tembakau dan hak atas kesehatan

PDF Document
Indonesian 1433 PDF Document
Tobacco Harm Reduction and the Right to Health


PDF Document
Japanese 2030 PDF Document
Tobacco Harm Reduction and the Right to Health

Redukcja szkód wywołanych paleniem tytoniu i prawo do zdrowia

PDF Document
Polish 1710 PDF Document
Tobacco Harm Reduction and the Right to Health

Redução dos efeitos nocivos do tabaco e o direito à saúde

PDF Document
Portuguese 1364 PDF Document
Tobacco Harm Reduction and the Right to Health

Снижение вреда от табака и право на здоровье

PDF Document
Russian 1528 PDF Document
Tobacco Harm Reduction and the Right to Health

Reducción de daños por tabaquismo y el derecho a la salud

PDF Document
Spanish 1451 PDF Document
Tobacco Harm Reduction and the Right to Health

Upunguzaji wa athari za tumbaku na haki za afya

PDF Document
Swahili 2496 PDF Document