Legal availability of different safer nicotine products in 2024 (percentage of global adult population aged 18+)


Analysis of the global landscape for SNP by product type reveals significant regulatory diversity. About 54% of the global adult population live in countries where nicotine vapes are legally available, while 36% reside in countries where they are banned. HTP are legally available to 36% of the global adult population, while 50% of the population lives in areas where they are banned. Snus is legally available to 58% of the global adult population, making it more widely accessible than both vaping products and heated tobacco. But 32% of people live in countries where snus is banned. Nicotine pouches are legally available to 35% of the adult population, while 50% of the population resides in areas where they are banned. Meanwhile, as of 2024, 100% of the global adult population can legally purchase deadly combustible cigarettes.