Funding of the CTFK vs all consumer advocacy groups worldwide


Funding of the CTFK vs all consumer advocacy groups worldwide

Knowledge-Action-Change (2023)

The challenge grassroots consumer advocate groups face is illustrated by the amount of support and resources they receive when compared to the funding available to those organisations that campaign against tobacco harm reduction. This disparity can be demonstrated by the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, which received US$160 million from Bloomberg Philanthropies in 2019 to campaign against flavours in nicotine vapes around the world over three years. Groups like this cast doubt on the safety and effectiveness of safer nicotine products in smoking cessation, despite significant evidence to the contrary. Their significant funding and high profile ensures their views are widely represented in national and international media.

See the "Tobacco harm reduction consumer advocacy organisations" Briefing Paper for more details.

Bloomberg funding vs advocacy groups coins graphic