Quick links to detailed datasheets for China
Data sourced: 2019.   Page updated: 2023-02-24


  1. 1. Feng, G., Nan, Y. and Jiang, Y., 2018, January. Prevalence of e-cigarette in China: preliminary findings from two surveys. In TOBACCO INDUCED DISEASES (Vol. 16, pp. 102-102). 2. Calculation based on population size data of people over 15 years of age (16+). Source of population data: World Population Prospects 2019 [Internet]. United Nations; 2019. (Department of Economic and Social Affairs, editor. Population Division). Report No.: Rev. 1. Available from: https://population.un.org/wpp/Download/Standard/Population/
  2. Feng, G., Nan, Y. and Jiang, Y., 2018, January. Prevalence of e-cigarette in China: preliminary findings from two surveys. In TOBACCO INDUCED DISEASES (Vol. 16, pp. 102-102).
  1. Data of 2015 China Adult Tobacco Survey (CATS) and International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project China Survey (ITC China Survey) were analyzed to describe rate of awareness and prevalence on e-cigarette. 2015 CATS is a nationally representative cross-sectional survey of adults aged 15 and over. ITC China survey is a cohort study designed to measure the impact of tobacco control policies on tobacco users over time. World Population Prospects 2019 [Internet]. United Nations; 2019. (Department of Economic and Social Affairs, editor. Population Division). Report No.: Rev. 1. Available from: https://population.un.org/wpp/Download/Standard/Population/
  2. Data of 2015 China Adult Tobacco Survey (CATS) and International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project China Survey (ITC China Survey) were analyzed to describe rate of awareness and prevalence on e-cigarette. 2015 CATS is a nationally representative cross-sectional survey of adults aged 15 and over. ITC China survey is a cohort study designed to measure the impact of tobacco control policies on tobacco users over time.


  1. Data cross-referenced where possible using the following sources :1. Vapetrotter website. Available at: https://www.vapetrotter.com/laws/ ; 2. Global tobacco control website. Available at:https://www.globaltobaccocontrol.org/node/14052 ; 3. Tobacco Control Laws website. Available at : https://www.tobaccocontrollaws.org/legislation/


Regulations and restrictions

Perception of harm

  1. Wang, X., Zhang, X., Xu, X., and Gao, Y. (2019). Perceptions and use of electronic cigarettes among young adults in China. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 17(March), 17. https://doi.org/10.18332/tid/102788
  1. This survey relates to young adults 19-29 years old only. The question of harm was NOT relative to cigarettes. Q. Is vaping harmful to users 28% yes, 28% no, 44% dont know. Results varied a little between smokers, ex-smokers and never smokers.
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