The Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction 2024: A Situation Report
The Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction 2024: A Situation Report
Knowledge-Action-Change (2024)

The Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction 2024: A Situation Report is a multi-component publication, grouped into two parts, A Global Perspective and Regional and national insights. The extent to which SNP are replacing and substituting for combustible and risky oral tobacco products is the unifying theme.
A Global Perspective uses the latest evidence and new data projections to report on the current global THR situation and its potential to rapidly reduce the burden of disease and mortality associated with risky tobacco use. Measuring changes in SNP uptake, policy and regulation, it considers how these factors interrelate to support or undermine progress.
- Chapter One: The global smoking epidemic and the role of tobacco harm reduction
- Chapter Two: The evidence for tobacco harm reduction
- Chapter Three: Global progress in tobacco harm reduction
- Chapter Four: Global regulation and control
- Chapter Five: The challenges to tobacco harm reduction
- Chapter Six: Conclusions
Regional and national insights considers the status of tobacco use and THR at the regional or national level. A broader regional focus is applied to Latin America (Section 2) and Eastern Europe and Central Asia (Section 3). Profiles for Japan (S. 4), Aotearoa New Zealand (S. 5), Norway (S. 6), and the UK (S.7) are also available.