Top Stories from Sweden

8% of the adult population are current smokers
There are approximately 667,950 current smokers in Sweden
Smoking in Sweden
The overall daily smoking prevalence in Sweden has declined since 2000. In 2022, Sweden had the lowest smoking prevalence of any country in Europe at 5.8%. Smoked tobacco, as a form of nicotine delivery, has been displaced in Sweden by a type of pasteurised oral tobacco called snus, which is less harmful than combustible tobacco. The prevalence of snus use overtook the prevalence of cigarette smoking amongst men in 1996. Sweden is also one of the few countries where the prevalence of daily smoking has been higher in women than in men. In 2022 the daily smoking for women was 6.3% but 5.3% for men.
The most recent data from 2016 show there were 10,514 annual deaths attributable to tobacco smoking (approximately 5,300 women and 5,200 men). The annual percentage of all deaths attributable to tobacco smoking was 11.15% (women: 11.1%; and men: 11.2%).
Nicotine vapes (e-cigarettes) are legal in Sweden and there are 92,200 vapers in the country as of 2021, giving an adult vaping prevalence of 1.1%. There is a requirement to ensure vape packaging contains a health warning, and they can only be sold to those aged 18 and older. Vaping devices can be purchased without a prescription but there are legal restrictions on their use in public places.
Heated tobacco products are legal but cannot be marketed. Snus is allowed and is regulated as a consumer product, and it can be imported for personal use and it can also be bought online. A health warning is required on packaging and it can only be bought by those aged 18 and over, but there are no restrictions on flavour range or nicotine content.
Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products can be marketed and are available to buy in many general shops without a prescription. The NRT market in Sweden is worth €85.3 million.
For further information and full references, click through to the detailed datasheets above.
8928 people in Sweden die from tobacco smoking-related diseases each year.
85.3 million €
Market size of NRT.
Estimated NRT market size is 85.3 million €.
Nicotine Vaping Devices
in Sweden
Sweden abides by the EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) (2014), except for where the regulation applies to snus. E-cigarettes are regulated in Sweden by the Act on Electronic Cigarettes and Refill Containers (2017/425), which came into force on 1st July 2017. E-cigarettes that contain tobacco are regulated by the Tobacco Act, while those classified as medical devices, drugs or hazardous substances are regulated by the Medicines Act (2015: 315), Medical Device Act (1993: 584), or Act (1999: 42) on the prohibition of certain hazardous goods. E-cigarettes must also comply with the Product Safety Act (2004: 451). High strength e-liquids with nicotine concentrations over 17 mg/ml are subject to a de facto ban in Sweden as they require permits which are unlikely to be granted. Cross border sales are legal. The prohibition of sponsorship of any kind, including of radio and television programs and TV product placement, is detailed in the Radio and Television Act (20101: 696). In January 2018, a tax on e-cigarette fluid of two krona (€0.2) per millilitre was announced. A new ban on vaping in public spaces came into effect in July 2019. The ban covers outdoor serving areas at cafes and restaurants, as well as public playgrounds, bus shelters and train platforms, sports arenas, and entrances to civic buildings.
Heated Tobacco Products
in Sweden
The Tobacco Act—Law (1993:581) on tobacco (12 f §) transposes Article 19 of the EU Tobacco Products Directive, which covers novel tobacco products and applies to heated tobacco products. Regulations cover reporting, notifications and health warning labels. The Public Health Agency of Sweden has regulatory authority over heated tobacco products. So far, this authority has not been exerted.
Nicotine Replacement Therapy
in Sweden
Estimated NRT market size is 85.3 million €. In Sweden you don't need a prescription to purchase NRT. NRT is legal to market. You can buy NRT in many general shops without a prescription.