19% of the adult population are current smokers
There are approximately 102,712 current smokers in Luxembourg
Smoking in Luxembourg
The overall smoking prevalence in Luxembourg has been decreasing since 2006. 21.7% of the adult population in Luxembourg are current smokers, down from 26% in 2006. This means there are now approximately 110,300 smokers in the country. 23.6% of men smoke and for women the figure is 19.8%.
The most recent data show there were 632 annual deaths attributable to tobacco smoking (approximately 224 women and 40 men). The annual percentage of all deaths attributable to tobacco smoking was 17.02% (women: 10.5%; and men: 20.6%).
Nicotine vapes (e-cigarettes) are legal in Luxembourg and there are 16,700 vapers in the country, giving an adult vaping prevalence of 3.13%. Vaping devices can only be sold to those aged 18 and over and there are legal restrictions on their use in public places.
Heated tobacco products are legal but they can be marketed, and the situation is quite complicated for snus. While it is illegal to import snus for trade or buy the product online, it is possible to import it for personal use.
Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) can be marketed and it is available to buy in pharmacies.
For further information and full references, click through to the detailed datasheets above.
481 people die every year due to tobacco smoking in Luxembourg.
using HTP
Adult using HTP prevalence is 1%.
Nicotine Vaping Devices
in Luxembourg
Luxembourg abides by the EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) (2014). E-cigarettes that contain nicotine and those that are nicotine free are regulated by the Law of 13th June 2017, amending the amended law of 11th August 2006, on tobacco control. Vaping is prohibited wherever smoking is prohibited, such as in public places where children are present, in public buildings, and on public transportation, as well as in vehicles where there is a child under 12 years. Warnings on packaging have to be in French, German and Luxembourgish. E-cigarette advertising is banned everywhere except at point of sale, and cross-border sales are illegal. There is no excise tax on e-liquid.
Heated Tobacco Products
in Luxembourg
In Luxembourg, Article 19 of the EU Tobacco Products Directive covering novel tobacco products applies to heated tobacco products. Regulations cover reporting, notifications and health warning labels.
Nicotine Replacement Therapy
in Luxembourg
In Luxembourg it is legal to purchase nicotine without using NRT prescription.
in Luxembourg
The prevalence of current using pouches among adults is 1%.