24% of the adult population are current smokers
There are approximately 9.6 million current smokers in Spain
Smoking in Spain
The overall smoking prevalence in Spain has been going down since 2006. 27.9% of the adult population are current smokers, down from 34% in 2006. This means there are now approximately 11.1 million people smoking in the country. 29.1% of men smoke and for women the figure is 26.7%.
The most recent figures show there were 57,216 annual deaths attributable to tobacco smoking (approximately 10,700 women and 46,600 men). The annual percentage of all deaths attributable to tobacco smoking was 19.1% (women: 5.1%; and men: 22.3%).
Nicotine vapes (e-cigarettes) are legal in Spain and there are 535,200 vapers in the country, giving an adult vaping prevalence of 1.33%. Vaping devices can only be sold to those 18 and older and can be purchased without a prescription but there are legal restrictions on their use in public places.
Heated tobacco products are legal and can be marketed, but the situation is a bit more complicated for snus. While it is illegal to import snus for trade or buy the product online, it is possible to import it for personal use.
It is legal to buy nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products from pharmacies without a prescription and it can be marketed. The NRT market in Spain is worth €32.4 million.
For further information and full references, click through to the detailed datasheets above.
45137 people in Spain die from tobacco smoking-related diseases each year.
32.4 million €
Market size of NRT.
Estimated NRT market size is 32.4 million €.
Nicotine Vaping Devices
in Spain
Spain abides by the EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) (2014). In 2017, a Royal Decree 579/2017 was passed pertaining to the manufacture, advertising and sale of vaping products that transposes the EU TPD into Spanish regulations. There is a ban on smoking and vaping in all indoor state-owned public places, on public transport and in some outdoor places such as parks. Advertising is allowed on TV, but regulations exist about the type of programmes, and the times of day, where advertisements can appear. Cross border sales are banned. There is no tax on e-liquids.
Heated Tobacco Products
in Spain
In Spain, heated tobacco products are regulated as novel tobacco products under the Royal Decree 579/2017. Therefore, Law 28/2005 (Sanitary Measures Against Smoking, and Regulating the Sale, Supply, Consumption and Advertising of Tobacco Products), which restricts sale, advertising, promotion and sponsorship, and use in public places, also applies.
Nicotine Replacement Therapy
in Spain
In Spain you don't need a prescription to purchase NRT.